

I have always been fascinated by the concept of colour and our perception of individual colours in the spectrum. Colour all comes from light, its the way in which it reflects off objects and then gets interpreted by our eyes and brains. This in itself is mind-blowing...

Colour blindness can occur for a few reasons but the end result is the same—not being able to see the world in all its technicolour glory! 1 in 12 men suffer from colour blindness and are missing out on a whole world out there. Can you imagine not being able to see the whole spectrum, missing out on a sunset, the twinkle in someone’s eye?

The concept of a pair of sunglasses that helps people see colour that they have never seen before is incredible, so the packaging could not be ordinary. I chose the box as it looks like a prism which reflects light into the full spectrum. The name of the brand references the colour spectrum too and is a nice play on the word "spectre".

I kept the packaging black and white as its not until the person tries on the glasses that they are able to see the full colour, so used the reveal of the box unfolding to reveal the colour. The poster aims to keep a bit of mystery about the product and entice the reader to find out more.

(Shillington - student brief)